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posing sessions

Posing is one of the most essential components in bodybuilding. Receive step-by-step guidance on stage presentation and a complete understanding of what the judges are looking for. Sessions are 30 minutes. After each session, you are more than welcome to ask any questions. Sign up today and learn what it takes to present your best physique on stage!

virtual lab

Bring Coach Calvin with you to the gym. Need additional attention on a lagging body group? I would be honored to assist you during your gym training.

Sessions are 40 minutes, the last 5 minutes of each session will be Q&A. This is to ensure a complete understanding of the workout. These slots are limited. Book weeks in advance to secure your time with me.


This service caters to any fitness individual interested in becoming a fitness coach. If you have an existing fitness brand and are looking for additional tools to expand your business, let’s get started! Sessions are 60 minutes conducted by video call.